The funky boys of Disclosure have unleashed a groovy sensual fun far-out tune entitled “Funky Sensation” featuring a sample from Gwen McCrae’s disco original “Funky Sensation.” The two brothers who make up the UK dance duo have been spending the year working on the follow-up to their last album, 2015’s Caracal.
The tune is a little house a little electro and a whole lotta smooth studio54 inspired. Right up the duo producers alley, the 1981 sample is a thick, dance floor ready and the new version still hits like champagne. The boys of Disclosure have kept Gwen McCrae’s authentic vocal just where it is, and they’ve plucked, tucked, and spun new life into five minutes.
In a press release, Disclosure spill, “Inspired by our immense love of Disco music, we took one of our favorite remixers (@Alkalino) version of this classic song by Gwen McCrae and flipped it again! Hope this one gets you moving.”
Let’s take it to thee disco-tech once again all you honey rockers! Dig it out below, and per usual we, of course, featured thee original track along with it.