“Supermodel David Gandy stars in the cover story of Prestige Hong Kong‘s August 2017 edition captured by fashion photographer Mike Ruiz. In charge of styling was Kristine Kilty, assisted by Sarah Barnes, Janeth Daza, Anda Stancu and Pearl Rich, with grooming from Larry King at Streeters. Lighting assistance by James Newlands.
“It sounds a bit wanky, but it’s probably the charity side. I’m an ambassador for four charities now: Achievement for All, which is about children’s education; I absolutely love children and I’m working with Save the Children now as well; then there’s Battersea Dogs and Cats Home; and Style for Soldiers, which is a great charity started by Emma Willis.
Everything else I have to work quite hard at – which is not a bad thing. People think I’m very strange when I say I’m not a natural model. I don’t like being the centre of attention or in front of the camera. It’s like I’ve had to have another persona to be able to do that. I envy people that get a big buzz from it, whereas I want to run the other way when there are lots of cameras. I still joke that every time I pull up to a red carpet, I just want to stay in the car and drive home, to this day. ” – David on what role comes most naturally to him.” – Malemodelscene.net