“The fast paced digitisation of the fashion industry, just as our own lives, has undeniably made Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and so many other apps change our perception of the world around us. Thus, for the summer 2019 issue we merged the sentiment of a timeless punk and rock elegance, with our covers starring new legends of the digital age such as mega-influencer the french top model Rafael Miller as well as model and rock star in the making Lorenzo Sutto.
Scroll down for more of the new issue:
Our obsession with everything digital is letting us wonder for years now what does all this mean for the fashion industry? While at the same time this may be a definite sign of democratisation, yesterday’s ruling by the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals in the United States has reversed the Fair Use right for good. Making it unacceptable to take another’s photograph to use on a website, Instagram or any other web or media outlet. This ruling going in line with regulations in Europe is to significantly change in the coming months and years the way we consume media. The freedoms we are now so used of might disappear over night. This massive vortex of endless sharing of everyone’s and everybody’s content without asking if deemed illegal is to change the mass digital consumption we are so used of. Till then, MMSCENE as a magazine with it’s origins coming from pages of a web page is always here to celebrate breakthrough talent both in design, photography and modelling scene.
Photographers: Chris Fucile, Danilo Pavlovic, Fadli Rahman, Go Minami, Guillaume Malheiro, Hadar Pitchon, Pat Supsiri
Stylists: Andrew Hainsworth, Douglas Vanlingha, Luca Bouday, Mori, Nicholas Mackinnon, Stefano Guerrini.” -Malemodelscene.net