“Stephan Gizard and Alessio Bolzoni
Martin El Mas Flaco is an artist which work is based on the love for hand-cut collages from his favorite magazines and books, a work he does under the pseudonym of The Skinny Type. Based in London and brought up in Colombia, Martin finds his inspiration for his erotic, male represented forms and fashion loaded work in contemporary ads, editorials, and classic art.
“I like working with my hands that is why my work consists primarily of hand-cut collages severed and glued from magazines and books of photographers I love. There is no digital process and no manipulation of the images other than the cutting and overlaying process, there is no scaling or mirroring or applying filters or anything of the kind and that’s precisely what makes the trick for me.” – said Martin
Discover more about El Mas Flaco on the new issue of Odiseo magazine.” – Fuckingyoung.es